Are you currently Keto or Carnivore?
How long have you been keto/carnivore?
1 year
Describe what a Typical Day of Eating Looks like for you.
Describe the health changes you have experienced since going keto/carnivore.
Going carnivore solved the following problems:
- Brain fog
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Muscle pain
- Food intolerance
- Seasonal allergies
- Sensitivity to light
- Autoimmune disease
- Libido
Problems that I’m still working on:
- Sinusitis
- Eye floaters
- Digestive problems
Your Keto/Carnivore Story
I felt sick, and I couldn’t even walk. I thought I was going to die.
What is the best (or top 3) pieces of advice you could give someone starting their keto/carnivore health journey?
Health is everything! Everyone is capable of following this diet. It takes discipline and motivation, but it’s worth it!